Title | BioC-compatible full-text passage detection for protein-protein interactions using extended dependency graph |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Peng Y, Arighi C, Wu CH, Vijay-Shanker K |
Journal | Database (Oxford) |
Volume | 2016 |
Date Published | 2016 |
ISSN | 1758-0463 |
Keywords | Computational Biology, Data Mining, Protein Interaction Maps, Semantics, Software |
Abstract | There has been a large growth in the number of biomedical publications that report experimental results. Many of these results concern detection of protein-protein interactions (PPI). In BioCreative V, we participated in the BioC task and developed a PPI system to detect text passages with PPIs in the full-text articles. By adopting the BioC format, the output of the system can be seamlessly added to the biocuration pipeline with little effort required for the system integration. A distinctive feature of our PPI system is that it utilizes extended dependency graph, an intermediate level of representation that attempts to abstract away syntactic variations in text. As a result, we are able to use only a limited set of rules to extract PPI pairs in the sentences, and additional rules to detect additional passages for PPI pairs. For evaluation, we used the 95 articles that were provided for the BioC annotation task. We retrieved the unique PPIs from the BioGRID database for these articles and show that our system achieves a recall of 83.5%. In order to evaluate the detection of passages with PPIs, we further annotated Abstract and Results sections of 20 documents from the dataset and show that an f-value of 80.5% was obtained. To evaluate the generalizability of the system, we also conducted experiments on AIMed, a well-known PPI corpus. We achieved an f-value of 76.1% for sentence detection and an f-value of 64.7% for unique PPI detection.Database URL: http://proteininformationresource.org/iprolink/corpora. |
DOI | 10.1093/database/baw072 |
Alternate Journal | Database (Oxford) |
PubMed ID | 27170286 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC4915133 |
Grant List | P20 GM103446 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States R13 GM109648 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States P20GM103446 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States |